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Public Building Commission Minutes 10/22/2014
Joint Meeting of the South Windsor Public Building Commission
and the South Windsor Board of Education
Minutes – Regular Meeting – October 22, 2014

PBC Members Present:  Howard (Hap) Fitts, Ken Jeski, Carol Kelley, Charley Lyons, and Edward O’Connell

BOE Members Present:  David Joy, Diane Behler, Phil Koboski, Matt Riley, Craig Zimmerman, Rick Stahr, and Michael Gonzalez.

Also present: Dr. Carter, Patrick Hankard, Chris Chemerka and Daniel Hansen, Strategic Building Solutions representatives Marc Sklenka and Chuck Warrington and Drummey Rosane Anderson representatives Scot Woodin, Peter DeMallie and Jim Dorino.

Chairman Fitts called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM and advised the public that this meeting was scheduled to provide information to the Public Building Commission, Board of Education, administration and the public about the development of the site placement for the new Orchard Hill Elementary School.  He described work that has been undertaken by Drummey Rosane Anderson and Strategic Building Solutions to arrive at the site placement recommendations, noting that it is a challenging site due to the fact that there will be a lot of use at the site for the duration of the 10-year project.  Chairman Fitts asked Chairman Joy if he would like to add anything.

Chairman Joy noted that some board members had the opportunity to walk the site and that it is an exciting time for the board.  He noted that this evenings meeting would provide an opportunity for the board and the public building commission to fully understand the recommendations and limitations regarding the site.  

Approval of Invoices
A motion was made by Mr. Lyons, seconded by Mr. Jeski to approve Invoice No. 01 from Drummey Rosane Anderson in the amount of $57,772.50 representing professional services from September 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014.  Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Mr. Jeski, seconded by Mr. O’Connell to approve Invoice No. 1298 from Strategic Building Solutions in the amount of $6,833 representing services from September 1, 2014 to September 28, 2014. Motion passed unanimously.

Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the New Orchard Hill School Site Placement
Mr. Sklenka introduced the discussion advising that the architects would be providing information relative to the site placement.  Mr. Scot Woodin provided a PowerPoint presentation with background information regarding the work that has been done to date to arrive at the proposed site placement of the building and the considerations that were taken into account.  He descried the thought process regarding the grading, possible field disruption, proximity to neighbors and wetlands, among others, to arrive at a “build zone,” which he described as being relatively small. He advised that once the site has been approved, the architects will commence the work on the schematic design of the building, which they expect to complete by the end of December, at which time they will be seeking the approval of the PBC.
Mr. Woodin reviewed possible options for the site placement and explained to the commission and the board the differences between them and the decision reached by the architects for the preferred choice of “Option D3.”  He reviewed a “Site Selection Matrix” containing twelve criteria. Mr. Woodin noted that DRA would be looking to contract for additional environmental assessments to quantify the use of any pesticides given that the use of the land as an orchard. Mr. Woodin advised that DRA was seeking the commission’s formal approval for the recommended Option D3.  
Representatives from Drummey Rosane Anderson answered questions posed by board members with regard to traffic considerations, decisions regarding the ball field and its relevance to the overall site decision, the distance of the site relative to the current abutting properties, the proposed entrance to the building and the view as visitors approach the building, among others. Following a lengthy discussion, Chairman Fitts called for a motion to approve the site.  Board members indicated their appreciation for being included in the discussions regarding the site and indicated their support for the recommended site plan. Chairman Joy noted that Option D3 maximizes the distances to the neighbors while minimizing the athletic fields’ disruption.  He also went on to relay his hope that this building would set a new standard for the remaining schools in improving traffic flows. Dr. Carter indicated her endorsement of Option D3 as the site for the new Orchard Hill Elementary School.
A motion was made by Mr. Jeski, seconded by Mr. O’Connell to approve DRA’s recommended site Option D3 for the location of the new Orchard Hill Elementary School.  Motion passed unanimously.
Dr. Carter indicated that tonight was a perfect example of the work between the two groups, noting that it has been a pleasure for the administration to work with the Board and PBC and that their interactions have been collegial. She conveyed her appreciation for the way the PBC has embraced the administration at its meetings, noting that it is a tribute to the PBC.

Phase 2 Environmental Assessment for Orchard Hill Site
Mr. Woodin noted that because of the historical use of the site as an orchard, it was recommended that DRA perform soil sampling to determine the extent of pesticides on the site and what type of mitigation would be required.   
A motion was made by Mr. Jeski, seconded by Mrs. Kelley to authorize DRA to proceed with Phase 2 Environmental Assessment in the amount of $12,075.  Motion passed unanimously.

On a motion made by Mr. Lyons, seconded by Mr. O’Connell, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,

Ann Walsh